Quality first is major supplier in the market for HotWire Bottle Cutter – Our Next Generation Pet Bottle Cuter Models are uniquely designed to simplify the task of bottle cutting and to make the production procedure more productive and responsive. Hence, it maintains the repeatability and precision which is essential for accurate analysis. The testing instrument is incorporated with an adjustable bottle finish holder to hold an extensive range of finishes excluding the requirement for unique tools or change parts. Moreover, the adjustable supports of the machine, tightly hold the bottles in a defined place during the cutting process.
Hot Wire Bottle Cutter offers an easy and cost saving way for cutting containers for section weight analysis. A clean section without deformation will be obtained by a quick cutting of bottles through heated hot wires. A precision and repeatable cutting task is easy to achieve and it’s necessary for a proper analysis.
With HWBC, a PET bottle could be cut up to 5 predetermined sections; each section will be checked to ensure that it conforms to the exact weight assigned.
Feel free to contact us for further details. We will be happy to serve you better.